Compile Buyer Intake Packet - Lecture 9

Compile Buyer Intake Packet

During your preparation, compile a buyer intake packet that you can hand to them during the intake meeting. You will want to have an agent packet of documents prepared for yourself as well.

Your Agent Packet Should Include:

● Printouts from the MLS alerts you already set up

● Buyer Intake Form (which we go over in detail in the First Steps to Representing a Buyer course)

● The Buyer Representation Agreement (Another form we go over in detail in the First Steps to Representing a Buyer course)

● House Comparison Form (also already gone over in the First Steps to Representing a Buyer course)

Buyer Intake Packet Should Include:

● Printouts from the MLS alerts you already set up

● Your brochure and flyer

● Your business cards

● Wish List Form (this form we have also already reviewed in the First Steps to Representing a Buyer course)

Complete and Continue