Learning Objectives - Lecture 3

Learning Objectives

This is the second course in the Buyer Agent Module. In this course we will look at strategies to get home buyers as clients. This is crucial when filling up your pipeline.

First, we will go over generating leads. As you get these leads going, you will want to screen buyers to make sure they are not going to be wasting your time. Once you have a lead, you will want to arrange a buyer intake meeting.

Once you have arranged the intake meeting, you will need to spend time preparing for it. In the second section, we will walk you through the preparation steps. This includes creating a buyer intake packet for your meeting, as well as setting up MLS alerts.

Finally, we will go over the entire intake meeting and how you should handle it. The intake meeting is essential to getting the right start with your clients.

Get out your notepad and pen. Take notes and follow along. There is a quiz at the end so you can test yourself on what you just learned. Feel free to pause or rewind to important sections.

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