Series Overview: Lecture 3
Listing Agent (Seller's Agent) Module
This is the Listing Agent Module. At RealtyPro Academy we want to equip real estate agents with the tools that are needed to be an excellent representative for your buyers. We want to make sure you not only know the process but how to be professional at the same time. It is our goal to start you on your journey in real estate with the basics to make you successful. Our educational program will give you the tools your need to succeed in the real world.
The Seller’s Agent Module is one of our 2 introductory modules, with the counterpart being the Buyer’s Agent Module. Completion of these modules gives you our bronze level rating. At the end of each course there will be a quiz to make sure the learnings stick.
This module will look at everything that an agent needs to do for their client who is selling their house. From setting clients’ expectations, to listing the house, closing escrow and everything in between. This module has 4 distinct courses that should be done in order.